
Waiver-Eligibility for "Research Journal for Social Affairs"


This document outlines the criteria for eligibility for a waiver of the publication fees for the "Research Journal for Social Affairs." Waivers are granted on a limited basis and at the discretion of the editorial board, considering the potential value of the research and the author's circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Financial hardship: Applicants facing significant financial hardship demonstrating difficulty paying the publication fee can request a waiver. This may include students, researchers from developing countries, or those facing unexpected financial difficulties.
  • Exceptional contribution: Research deemed of exceptional value to the field of social affairs, with the potential to significantly advance knowledge or address critical societal issues, may be eligible for a waiver.
  • Promising research: Research from early-career researchers or those from underrepresented groups in social sciences may be eligible for a waiver to promote diversity and inclusion in the journal.

Application Process:

To apply for a waiver, please submit the following documents:

  • A completed waiver application form (available on the journal website)
  • A brief letter explaining the reason for your request and providing supporting documentation (e.g., financial aid documents, evidence of exceptional contribution)
  • Your manuscript, formatted according to the journal's guidelines

Selection Process:

The editorial board will review all waiver applications and make decisions based on the following factors:

  • The strength of the justification provided in the application letter
  • The potential contribution of the research to the field of social affairs
  • The applicant's financial circumstances or other relevant factors
  • The availability of waiver funds

Decision and Appeal:

Applicants will be notified of the editorial board's decision within [ timeframe ] of submitting the application. If your request is denied, you may appeal the decision by submitting a written appeal to the editor-in-chief, outlining the reasons for your appeal.

Important Notes:

  • Waivers are granted at the discretion of the editorial board and may not be available for all submissions.
  • The journal reserves the right to request further information from applicants to verify eligibility.
  • Granting a waiver does not guarantee acceptance of the submitted manuscript.

Additional Information:

For further information on the journal's publication fees and waiver policies, please visit the journal website or contact the editorial office.